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Dr. Sam

Samuel Lopez De Victoria, PhD

Psychotherapist, Healer of Souls, Mentor of Many, Speaker, Writer

One thing is to have sight, another thing is to have vision. This site will introduce you to Dr.Sam and lead you to explore and discover new experiences. Dare to dream and receive infinite joy and find your balance.

Life was meant to be experienced whole and healthy. At some point in our journey, we encountered obstacles, difficulties, traumas, tragedies, limitations, etc. These can help us to become better persons or sometimes they can paralyze us. Great individuals are known for their ability to seek what is necessary to overcome their limitations. Amazing fulfillment and miracles awaits those willing to take this path. May you find the joy you were meant to discover and experience.

Dr. Sam, as he is affectionately called by those who know him, is a much sought after public speaker, psychotherapist, and college professor. Whether it is speaking to an audience of several thousand or to smaller groups, he has the ability to powerfully help people become unstuck and change their lives. His patients are used to seeing massive healing taking place in a few sessions of brief, yet deep, therapy. As a college and graduate school professor, it is not uncommon to see him constantly being sought after by current and former students. He has been described as a comedic and matrix-busting Ph.D. His wide educational background ranges from seminary to Mental Health Counseling (M.A.) and Family Psychology (Ph.D.). He is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the state of Florida, a State licensed Supervisor for Mental Health and Marriage and Family therapists interns, and a National Certified Counselor.

DrSam emotions.jpg

Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy

Dr. Sam helps patients with issues relating to:

  • Depression

  • Anger

  • Grief

  • Guilt

  • Anxiety/Fears

  • Sexual and Gender Issues

  • Trauma and Abuse

  • Phobias and Compulsions

  • Life Adjustment Issues

  • Relationships

  • Couples

  • Marriage

  • Divorce

  • Family Issues

  • Career and Academic Counseling

International Video/Phone Sessions (Skype, WhatsApp, Google Duo, etc.)

Life Coaching & Consulting​

Public Speaking

What you should know about psychotherapy (download)

Phobia Cure (download)

Dr. Sam "People Booklet" (Download)

Healthy Boundaries 





Dr. Sam showed me how attitude and perception goes a long way. His insight of life has provided me with the encouragement and empowerment I needed to move forward. He is an honest, humble guy who really wishes the best for anyone and will go out of his way to help others.
Sean [...]

— Sean Cruz, Award-winning Illustrator/Visual Artist

People who ‘don’t believe in counseling’ have never met Dr. Sam. Training, experience, and compassion all come together in this amazing caregiver to the heart, mind, and soul.

Steve Gottry, Author/Screenwriter

Co-author of books with Ken Blanchard (of One-Minute Manager fame) and

Mark Victor Hansen (of Chicken Soup for the Soul books)

— Steve Gottry

When I need a grounded, outside, point of view to help me organize my
thoughts and focus my energies, Dr. Sam is who I go to. He is a warm and
intelligent person, who I trust to work with me, to prepare myself to
approach major challenges and goals in my life.

— Robert Younis, Actor, The Burn Unit and others

Dr. Sam has been great at helping me clear up many obstacles in the way of my ever expanding creative practice.  His wisdom and dedication have made him incredibly effective at helping me not only pinpoint where the obstacles lie but how easily and effortless it is to dissolve them, permanently, allowing me to grow and evolve unhindered by past restrictions or self-imposed limitations.  Regardless of all of that, he’s also just an all around great guy and a person who truly cares about the well being of others.

— Bert Rodriguez, Internationally Acclaimed conceptual Visual Artist and composer. He is a winner of the 2008 Whitney Museum of American Art Biennial

As a person, Sam Lopez is highly connected with the Universe. As a professional, he is a skilled therapist with a strong armamentarium of techniques to help people. As an ordained minister, Sam translates his theological knowledge to his work. With this unique combination of qualities, Sam is able to assist patients in finding solutions to their life’s problems, in a way that accurately assesses the problems and finds solutions with the help of the All.  

— Dr. Albert Ray,  Psychiatrist, Board Certified in Pain Medicine (American Board of Pain Medicine) and Board Certified in Psychiatry. Past president of the American Academy of Pain Medicine. Past president of the Southern Pain Society. Past Director of the American Board of Pain Medicine.

I have known Dr. Lopez De Victoria for some years, both in a professional and personal capacity. I have always known him to be of the highest moral and ethical character. He is a warm and personable individual who truly cares about others. His professional skills are of the highest caliber, which includes incorporating traditional concepts and methods in the realm of psychotherapy, as well as state-of-the-art procedures which serve to dramatically improve and maximize his clinical outcomes.

— Dr. Albert Zbik, Neuropsychologist, past director of Baptist Hospital Rehabilitation Division, (Miami, FL).

To say that Dr. Sam is an amazing person is an understatement. Since meeting him I have felt the impact of his positivity and guidance and it has made a world of difference in my professional and personal life. He has played an integral role in enhancing my career as a musician, producer, arranger, writer and artist.

— C. R., Grammy Award Winning percussionist

I have known Dr. Samuel Lopez De Victoria for several years and have had the good fortune to have worked with him as a clinical colleague during some of that time. The characteristics that come to mind for me as I think about Dr. Sam include integrity, balance, mindfulness, and warmth. In the years that I’ve known him, he has always held himself to the highest personal and professional standards. Always seeking to improve himself in all arenas, Dr. Sam seeks out opportunities for both mentoring others and being mentored himself. Similarly, he has successfully integrated and balanced his roles as a man of God, a counselor, a husband, a father, a professor, and a friend in such a way that everyone with whom he has contact comes away feeling like he/she was the most important person to Dr. Sam at that moment. This leads into his mindfulness: Dr. Sam is incredibly adept at being in the present moment with his clients, his colleagues, and his family. When you have been listened to by Dr. Sam, you have been heard. Finally, Dr. Sam is a warm and caring individual. His has the rare ability to authentically join with others, to meet people where they are (whether you’re in pain, in crisis, in love, or incredulous). I think that one of the biggest endorsements that I can give him is if I had a family member who needed to see a counselor (excluding any dual relationships), I’d send him or her to see Dr. Sam. He’s that good. 

— Dr. W. Bryce Hagedorn,

Associate Professor and Program Coordinator

Counselor Education at University of Central Florida, Former director of Counseling Dept. at Florida International University

Dr. Sam helped me to recognize that some of the fears, concerns and feelings of guilt were unfounded and were not as powerful as I once thought they were. Dr. Sam is a man of impeccable character, skill and scholarship. If more mental health professionals were like him, the world would truly be a better place. —  Dr. M.C.

Shortly after being introduced to Dr. Lopez de Victoria and working with him on a case, I began to refer some of my clients to him for counseling. Their issues have ranged from childhood trauma, sexual molestation, sexual identity, domestic violence, marriage and divorce counseling to geriatric depression and a host of anger issues. The response has been extremely positive. For the most part my clients find him to be remarkable. He is able to make very quick diagnoses of their root issues, and his treatment techniques yield very fast and positive results. Clients report that they find understanding and peace. His is a work of inner healing, particularly for those individuals who have a strong faith in God. 

— Melanie Cambridge, Family Lawyer

Dr. Sam has a unique ability to get to the root of the problem. His keen insight, discernment and experience enable him to cut through the fluff and get to the heart of the matter. Many people I’ve referred to him have reported immediate life-changing results from just one session. This seems to be the general rule with Dr. Sam. Honestly, he’s the best therapist I know.

—  Dennis Penton, Clergy

I have known Dr.Sam since the 70’s when we were in college together. Over the years I’ve watched him excel in working and helping people from different backgrounds and nationalities. I have watched him go through very difficult experiences as an individual and come out a stronger person for it. He is a man of integrity…something we do not see much of in our society today. It is a privilege to call him my friend. 

— Walt Poupart, M.Div., MACM, LPC

I have had so many emotional issues blocking my pursuit of gaining a PhD. Thank you for getting me unstuck from the past negative experiences in my life that were preventing me from pursuing what my heart truly desired. You have done and continue to perform a fantastic service! Dr. Sam, you will be pleased to know that I am actively working on a Masters degree. Thank You!

— GSW, Engineer

You are very gifted and I thank you for the time we spent working on my past issues. Many things in my life have changed… radically changed because I was introduced to you!  Denny, IT Expert

I want to thank you Dr. Sam; for freeing me from a life time of the same old bad dream. Through our visits you have opened my life to a freedom that I had never known. Your life and work is a real inspiration to me. I pray that others will find the same freedom that I have found. — T.C.C.

Hi Dr. Sam! You cured me of spider phobia. It worked! I didn’t freak out about a huge spider yesterday! Thank you so much! I’ve never felt so calm around a spider… especially one that was in my house.  —  L.J., College Student




Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology
Trinity International University Graduate School, Deerfield, IL. December 2002.


Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology with a specialization in Family Psychology
Harold Abel School of Psychology, Capella University, Minneapolis, MN. June 2006.

  • Research interests: gender issues, trauma theory, cognitive/emotive representation systems, multigenerational transmission, physical-emotive connection, cellular memories, intuition in healing.

  • Dissertation: Infantilization Among Married Hispanic Men: A Pilot and Phenomenological Study.

  • Chair: Thomas C. Vail, Ph.D.


Studied under Malcolm Gray, Ph.D., Chair of the Family Psychology Department at Capella University, who was trained directly under some of the world’s most accomplished clinicians. These include Bowen, Ceccin, Boscolo, Haley, Hillman, Kernberg, Maturana, Masterson, Minuchin, Satir, Tomm, Whittaker, and many more.





2002 to Present — Private practice.

2002 to June 2014 — Adjunct professor (Psychology)
Miami Dade College (Kendall Campus/Social Science Department).
Classes taught: Human Growth and Development, Human Sexuality, Intro. to Psychology, Psychology of Personal Effectiveness, Personal Success Seminar, etc.


2004 to Dec. 2009 – Psychotherapist treating psychological trauma relating to work-related injury
Pain Medicine Solutions, Miami, FL


Nov. 2009 to Aug. 2023 — Online Adjunct professor (Psychology)
Graduate School of the University of Arizona
, formerly Ashford University/the University of the Rockies (Colorado Springs, Colorado) Graduate Courses taught: ORG 6530: Theories & Techniques of Counseling & Psychotherapy, PSY5130: Life Span Development, PSY7600: Family Systems, PSY5003: Introduction to Applied and Professional Psychology, HUD5110: Human Sexuality, HUD 5340: Resiliency, Transformation, Life's Challenges, HUD 5330: Personality Development, PSY7512: Psychology of Leadership (doctoral level), and ORG7272: Group Process and Group Leadership in Organizations (doctoral level), ORG 8340: Exploring the Self: Increasing the Efficiency of Helping Others (doctoral level).

Jan. 2009 to Aug. 2009 — Online Adjunct professor (Psychology)
University of Phoenix Online


Jan. 2010 to Present — Staff Consultant to Doctors Group treating physical and emotional trauma
The Lite-Center, Miami, FL



Licensed Mental Health Counselor
State of Florida


National Certified Counselor
National Board of Certified Counselors, (
Certification demonstrates having met national standards developed by counselors.


Qualified Supervisor MFT (Marriage Family Therapist), State of Florida


Qualified Supervisor MHC (Mental Health Counselor), State of Florida


Formerly a psychotherapist/intern with the Broward Outreach Center
A long-term residential treatment center for the homeless located in Hollywood, FL.
Treatment modality included using individual and group psychotherapy.


Practitioner and Master Practitioner in Neurolinguistics (NLP)
Certified in Time-Line Therapy and Ericksonian Therapies. Neuro Energetics, Lancaster, PA




Collaborator with medical team of experts and innovators in the field of pain medicine and related psychological issues:

  • Albert Ray, M.D. Psychiatrist, Board Certified in Pain Medicine (American Board of Pain Medicine) and Board Certified in Psychiatry. Past president of the American Academy of Pain Medicine. Past president of the Southern Pain Society. Past Director of the American Board of Pain Medicine. Current Chairman of the Board of the National Pain Foundation.

  • Albert Zbik, Psy.D., Clinical Psychologist/Neuropsychologist, founder and director for twenty years of the Department of Rehabilitation, Baptist Health South Florida. Expert practitioner of E.M.D.R. (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

  • Bilge Fisher, D.C., Chiropractor and Acupuncturist specializing in pain and rehabilitation medicine


  • Mario Inchausti, M.D. Physiatrist, Diplomate American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

  • Collaborated with David Bernstein, D.C., Chiropractor and Certified Clinical Nutritionist of the Advanced Wellness Center (Ft. Lauderdale, FL) developer of DRT (Digital Response Technique), a unique method of assessing the energy flow through all parts of the body.



Adviser to organizations and clergy on psychological health issues.

Adviser and personal coach of many in the fields of professional visual and performing arts, fashion photography, modeling, curatorial endeavors, etc. on creativity and career empowerment.



Panelist at International Arts Movement (IAM), Manhattan, NY
Annual conference 2008 on the subject of releasing artistic creativity.
Lopez De Victoria, S. (February, 2008).

What is Pain and What is the Role of Body Memory in Pain?
Invited talk presented at the meeting of Passport to Health Multicultural Health Fair, Miami, Florida. Lopez De Victoria, S. (October 20, 2007).

Rapid Therapies in the Treatment of Emotional Trauma
Invited talk presented at the meeting of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Southern Pain Society, Biloxi, Mississippi.

Lopez De Victoria, S. (July 30, 2004).

Cracking the Male/Female Communication Code
Workshop presented at the Comprehensive Conference on Marriage and Family. Hosted by Trinity International Graduate School Alumni. Miami, Florida.
Lopez De Victoria, S. (November 8, 2003).

Where Have all the Men Gone?
Workshop presented at the Comprehensive Conference on Marriage and Family. Hosted by Trinity International Graduate School Alumni. Miami, Florida.
Lopez De Victoria, S. (November 8, 2003).



Interviewed by Miami channel 41 on the topic of PTSD in U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq. (May 9, 2008).

Interviewed by ABC News reporter Emily Friedman and quoted in article on topic of John Edward’s admission of narcissism. Title: Politicians’ Biggest Battle: Themselves. Published on August 12, 2008


Interviewed by ABC News reporter Ki Mae Heussner and quoted in article on topic of how narcissists are attracted to social network websites such as Facebook. Title: Facebook: Where Narcissists Connect?. Published on September 26, 2008 at

Tracy, L. (2011, February 18). Dr. Sam Helps Miami Artists Break Out of Creative Ruts. Posted on Miami NewTimes Blogs: Cultist Web site:

Breen, S. (2011, September). Are you too in love with yourself? Stellar, (32), 46-47     


Interviewed by Sara Breen and quoted in Ireland’s top fashion magazine in an article concerning aspects of narcissism. Article link at:

Interviewed by Mr. Nelson Rubio on the Spanish news program of radio station Actualidad (Miami AM 1020) on the topic of the “Profile of the Colorado Mass Murderer.” (July 24, 2012).

Interviewed by Ms. Andrea Sanmiguel on a feature program of radio station MDCRadio on the topic of the “What is True Love?.” (October 23, 2012).

Interviewed by Mr. Nelson Rubio on the Spanish news program of radio station Actualidad (Miami AM 1020) on the topic of the “Social Network Dangers.” (December 14, 2012).

Interviewed by Mr. Nelson Rubio on the Spanish news program of radio station Actualidad (Miami AM 1020) on the topic of the “Morbid Jealousy… The Jealousy that Kills.” (January 25, 2013).

Interviewed by Mr. Nelson Rubio on the Spanish news program of radio station Actualidad (Miami AM 1020) on the topic of the “Suicide: Youth Killer.” (February 26, 2013).

Interviewed by Yahoo Health reporter Melissa Bykofsky and quoted in article on topic of how to find out if a friend has narcissism. Title: “Is Your Friend a Narcissist? The Telltale Signs of 6 Personality Types.” Published on February 17, 2015 at

Interviewed by Men’s Health reporter Marham Heid and quoted in article on topic of how to handle the-know-it-alls. Title: “Why Some People Always Need to be Right.” Published on February 18, 2016 at



Lopez De Victoria, S. (2008, July 8). The Johari Window. Posted on Psych Central Web site:


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2008, July 28). Are You Burning Out?. Posted on Psych Central Web site: [Broken Link]


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2008, August 4). How to Spot a Narcissist. Posted on Psych Central Web site:


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2008, August 15). Harming Your Child by Making Him Your Parent. Posted on Psych Central Web site:


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2009, October 3). Babyman… Is This Your Man? Posted on Psych Central Web site:


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2010, March 29). Narcissists Who Cry: The Other Side of the Ego.

Posted on Psych Central Web site:


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2010, June 30). Emotional Trauma in the Womb.

Posted on Psych Central Web site:


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2010, November 13). Narcissists in Ministry. Posted on Web site:


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2011, October 7). Avoiding the Traps of Extremism. Posted on Psych Central Web site: [Broken Link]


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2011, November 7). The Incredibly Seductive Pull of a Very Skilled Narcissist. Posted on Psych Central Web site:


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2012, January 21). “I LOVE ME!: A Q&A About Narcissism. Posted on Psych Central Web site: [Broken Link]


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2012, February 6). Media Manipulation of the Masses: How the Media Psychologically Manipulates. Posted on Psych Central Web site:


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2012, February 13). Dancing with Angels: Art from the Darkness and the Light. Posted on Psych Central Web site: [Broken Link]


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2012, May 24). True Love: How do you know? Posted on Psych Central Web site


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2012, September 28). Me-Monsters! Posted on Psych Central Web site [Broken Link]


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2014, February 11). Beware of She-wolves. Posted on Psych Central Web site


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2016, June 14). What Facebook Personality Do You Have? A (Funny) Psychological Perspective. Posted on Psych Central Web site [Broken Link]


Lopez De Victoria, S. (2017, September 23), The Motor-Mouth Syndrome. Posted on Psych Central Web Site

Contact and Location


Contact Dr. Sam

Samuel Lopez De Victoria, PhD

Pinecrest Town Center

12651 S. Dixie Hwy

Suite 327

Miami, FL 33156

Tel. 786-299-7548

Fax: 786-409-0711


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© 2019 By Samuel Lopez De Victoria, Ph.D.

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